MEEt Baguette

Baguette was created in Team 5940's third season to compete in the 2018 game, FIRST POWER UP. We set out to create a power cube collection/placement mechanism and a reliable Elevator. Baguette placed 5th out of 65 teams at the Sacramento Regional.



- Custom designed chassis

- Active power cube mechanism

- Elevator that can extend to seven feet

- Super structure frame for protection


At the Sacramento Regional 2018, Team 5940 was captain of the 4th seeded alliance and picked teams 1662 (Raptor Force Engineering) and 2144 (Gators) to join our alliance. We made it to the Quarter-finals. Being Baguettes 2nd competition, we were able to dial the robot and drivers in almost perfectly where we were able to place up to 13 power cubes and consistently help lead our alliances to victory. 
